Make sure you have rain gear in the back of the car at a soccer game in case it rains. The good thing is that I at least won. After we won our first game my family went to Walmart because we were soaked. Livy and my mom got some new clothes. Mom bought a new everything because she was soaked. Livy also got a shirt. Dad got nothing. I didn’t get anything because I had another game.
Now we have an umbrella and ponchos in the car for next time.
BAM SCORE!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the good advice. Mom just needed an excuse for a new outfit.
Well, she can’t just let a new pair of clothes go. {At least I got Lunch.}
Elijah, it is always good to be prepared so I am glad you are keeping your rain ponchos and umbrella in the car. Now it won’t rain because you are prepared. Have you ever heard anyone say things like “it won’t snow now because I have a snowblower” or “it won’t rain now because I have my umbrella”. I have. I know it is only a coincidence when it happens that way but people still say it.